Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Need BaconFest Tickets?

BaconFest 2011 sold out in mere minutes, leaving hundreds of bacon lovers crying into their blood pressure meds. Denny's to the rescue! The (I can't think of a positive adjective) restaurant is celebrating Baconalia, their annual bacon celebration, by hosting a sweepstakes with the grand prize of two VIP tickets to Chicago's Baconfest. Visit's to enter.

Unfortunately, if you win second prize, you're stuck with a $100 Denny's gift card. I'm sure you can find someone you don't like to give it to....

I, however, won't be entering the contest because I GOTS ME A TICKET! I signed up early and hit the 'refresh' button a hundred times at 8:59 a.m. the day the tickets went on sale. On April 9 I will don the fat pants for a day o' bacon. Stay tuned for photos.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this recipe for Bacon Cups. AMAZING!

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